AS 9100 Aerospace Quality Management Systems Certificate


AS 9100 Aerospace Quality Management Systems is a quality management system document widely accepted in the industry and aims to standardize for the aviation and space industry. It was developed by the International Aviation and Space Quality Group (IAQG), which has representatives from aviation, space and defense industry companies around the world. The standard is built on current management systems and industry best practices and is completed on the basis of the tested and approved basic structure of the ISO 9001 standard. As with other ISO standards, AS 9100 standards have a planning structure with intermediate control points and require continuous improvement. By adding additional requirements on the ISO 9001 quality management system, it can be applied to other sectors that need a quality management system.

AS 9100 is applicable for organizations operating in the aviation industry and related sectors. This standard includes ISO 9001: 2015 quality management system requirements and additional requirements for the aerospace and defense industry, helping you demonstrate to your customers that you have specific processes to ensure quality and fulfill your requirements.

In this context, different standards can be applied for companies and special tasks:

* AS 9100 Manufacturers and Suppliers
* AS 9110 Technical Maintenance
* AS 9120 Distributors

Errors encountered in aviation and space studies or failure to pay attention to details have fatal consequences. Therefore, quality and reliability are very important for the aviation industry. In general, quality management systems support reducing risks, ensuring consistency in activities and creating a reliable framework for the entire supply chain.
AS 9100 Quality Management System in Aerospace and Aviation Industry has been developed mainly to achieve the following goals:

* To reduce errors and defects in the supplier chain
* To reduce operating costs
* Continuous quality production
* Increasing customer satisfaction
* Saving the effort, time and money spent by the company for quality production and to fulfill especially different customer requirements with a single acceptable standard for everyone

The main features of AS 9100 standards can be listed as follows:

* Improving product quality
* Change control management for key product features
* Providing aviation industry-specific production and services such as part liability, foreign object detection, production documentation, part identification and part traceability
* Process and vehicle change control and management
Supply chain quality control, including the control of purchasing and acceptance processes
* Design and development control
* Product quality, reliability and security control,
* Continuous improvement

How to Obtain AS 9100 Aviation and Space Quality Management System Certificate?

In parallel with the developments in the world, studies on space and aviation technologies are also carried out in our country. Today, some organizations in our country are working to have a say in the aviation and space industry and to make original productions. While doing these studies, it is important to comply with AS 9100 standards in order to be accepted in the international community. An organization wishing to obtain AS 9100 Aerospace Quality Management System Certificate should apply to an authorized certification company. After the contract is signed between the certification firm and the applicant organization, audits can be started. If the inspections are completed successfully and the requirements are met, AS 9100 Certificate is issued. The validity period of this document is 3 years. In addition, surveillance audits are required every year.
Companies applying to the certification body should pay attention to whether this certification body is accredited by a domestic or foreign accreditation body. Because of its field of activity, the aviation and space industry is a sector that has a very high probability of working with foreign organizations or customers. For this reason, it is important that the AS 9100 Certificate is obtained from an accredited certification body and the certificate is valid all over the world. AS 9100 Quality Management System in Aerospace and Aviation Industry can be set up and implemented alone in enterprises. Since it is a standard that can be audited, businesses can be audited by third-party certification bodies and AS 9100 Certificate can be issued to enterprises if deemed appropriate. If this document is issued by an accredited organization, it is valid and accepted internationally.

“As EKOL Certification, our organization also provides Quality Management System certification services in AS 9100 Space and Aviation Sector, among many system certification services. You can contact us to have more detailed information about AS 9100. "

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