It is a standardized European approach created to monitor social standards and performance in producer or supplier countries. It was established in 2003 by the Foreign Trade Association in order to improve the working conditions of companies in the global supplier chain and to adapt. In addition to local laws, it is based on some other important international regulations such as the labor standards of the International Labor Organization and the United Nations Convention on Human Rights. This initiative aims to continuously increase the social performance of suppliers and improve working conditions in factories worldwide. The BSCI scope studies that were created were completed in 2004 and the system has been implemented worldwide since then. In 2011, sustainability was included within the scope of BSCI, which achieved a very rapid growth, and a stronger organizational structure was adopted.
What are the Benefits of the BSCI Certificate?
Enterprises participating in the BSCI system;
* Uses an effective and well-established system to improve working conditions in the supply chain.
* They have access to comprehensive audit tools in a wide variety of languages ??to ensure consistent monitoring of the supply chain.
* They can get high quality audit services by accessing the BSCI approved international network of audit companies.
* They can access the supplier database where the audit data are kept together, thus they can save time and money by avoiding multiple audits in the same workplace.
* Provides the opportunity to share and further develop best practices in the field of social compliance.
* It provides the opportunity to participate directly in the development of the BSCI system.
* Have regular information about news and events in the field of social compliance.
BSCI monitoring system covers all stakeholders in Europe and supplier countries. Also included in the scope of other issues; Legal compliance, Working hours, Job Compensation, Prevention of child labor, Prevention of forced employment, Union freedom, Prevention of discrimination, Worker health and safety, Management standards, Environmental security policy.
The main items of the BSCI criteria are listed as follows;
* Compliance with the Act (OSH Act No. 6331 currently in force in Turkey. This should be followed.)
* Working hours are in compliance with the current labor law,
* Compensation, that is, the notice pay of the worker to be removed, the severance pay calculations are as specified in the law,
* Prevention of child labor (Workers under the age of 16 are in the status of child labor. Child labor is prohibited by law.),
* Prevention of forced labor and penal measures,
* Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining (Workers have the right to join and participate in -related activities.)
* Preventing all kinds of discrimination,
* Workplace health and safety can be explained as making the workplace a safe environment.
Businesses that adopt the BSCI Code of Conduct undertake to fulfill their responsibilities to respect human rights within the principles and domains specified in this document. BSCI participants pursue a constructive and open dialogue between business partners and stakeholders for the implementation of socially responsible business principles. In addition, they see the establishment of mature industrial relations between employees and management as a key element of sustainable businesses. BSCI audit shows the commitment of all suppliers and designated subcontractors to the work ethic and quality system of the head company. In the BSCI audit, companies can access the audit results by checking the BSCI database. BSCI suppliers aim to improve the ethical audit procedures and quality system after completing their audits.
Points to be considered while preparing for the BSCI Audit;
* Have you completed the requirements for occupational health and safety as per the law no 6331?
* Have you created the BSCI Documentation?
* Can you maintain BSCI Documents?
* Did your employees choose you with their free will?
* Have you recognized the right to trade s and collective agreements?
* Are working conditions safe and healthy?
* Are the salaries given to the employees enough to live on?
* Have You Calculated Employee Wage?
* Are your working hours in accordance with legal regulations?
* Are employees discriminated against?
* Are there any child labor?
* Have you provided regular employment?
* Are your employees given necessary permissions?
* Are employees personal files available?
* Have you established a Grievance Mechanism?
The BSCI Auditor who will audit BSCI is a person who is experienced in the sector he will audit. So, if an inspection is to be conducted in the food industry, the person conducting the inspection should probably be a food engineer experienced in the food industry. The BSCI audit person must have received the SA 8000 Social Compliance Audit Auditor Training and Certificate. Inspection is based on labor law, occupational safety law and ILO laws. In general, the articles of these laws and laws constitute the BSCI audit criteria, and the business to be audited must work in accordance with these laws and regulations, regardless of the sector. Overtime, wage payments, leaves, breaks, trainings, worker instructions, emergency measures, use of equipment and instructions, workers´ instructions and employer´s policy are all very important issues in BSCI audits. Regardless of the sector of the company that wants to obtain a BSCI certificate, it will benefit if it benefits from a consultancy firm before applying for this certificate.
The goal of the BSCI Audit is to encourage the continuous improvement of the social performance of enterprises in the supply chain. In this way, it is to support sustainable working conditions worldwide.
As EKOL Certification Body, our services in BSCI consultancy are listed as follows;
* We provide BSCI consultancy and audit organization.
* Before the audit, we analyze the current situation in your business and pre-audit it.
* We support you in eliminating the deficiencies and create BSCI documentation.
* We ensure that the BSCI documents created are activated within the company.
* After the system is activated, we organize for the audit.
* With the approval we call RSP approval, an audit is organized through your company requesting BSCI.
* There is a payroll in the BSCI audit report. We advise businesses to increase their scores.
"You can contact us to get service and have detailed information about BSCI Audit Consultancy."