UN R129 (I-size) and ECE R44 / 04 (also referred to as ECE-R-44) are European Union safety standards that determine in-vehicle baby and child safety criteria. Under this standard; Car child seats are tested in front collisions at high pressure at 50 km / h and in rear collisions at 30 km / h using measuring instruments designed to see how well they protect crash test dummies. ECE R44 approval label; It is an indicator that the car child seat is in compliance with the determined basic safety conditions. Car child seats sold in many countries today have to meet the ECE R44 / 04 standards. It is stated that ECE R44 / 04 will gradually be replaced by UN R129 (I-size), which is the new security standard of the EU. In addition to these; recognized as an authority by consumer councils; Additional safety approvals from independent testing organizations such as ADAC Stiftungen Warentest, Swedish Plus Test, TCS (The Touring Club Switzerland) guide parents in choosing safer car seats.
Which Vehicles Is A Child Seat Required?
In M1, M1G, N1, N1G, N2 and N3 class vehicles, or more clearly, in vehicles that have to have seat belts, it is mandatory to have and use a child seat during the transportation of children shorter than 150 cm and below 36 kg. Children taller than 135 cm can use seat belts in other seats instead of child restraint systems (child seat) provided that they do not sit in the front seat. Children under the age of three cannot be transported in M1, M1G, N1, N1G, N2 and N3 class vehicles without child restraint systems. When traveling in commercial taxis, children are required to use child restraint systems and, if not available, to sit in the back seat. If you do not have a seat belt in the back seat; You can only wear it in the front seat for those between 0-9 months. In this case, too, you should pay special attention to the absence of airbags in the front seat.
What is ECE-R-44 Car Child Seat Vehicle Type Approval Certificate?
Within the scope of ECE R44 / 04 Standard; Car child seats are tested in front collisions at high pressure at 50 km / h and in rear collisions at 30 km / h, using measuring instruments designed to see how well they protect crash test dummies. ECE R44 approval label; It is an indicator that the car child seat is in compliance with the determined basic safety conditions. Car child seats sold in many countries today have to meet the ECE R44 / 04 standards. In many countries, the ECE R44 / 03 Standard is no longer valid. Testing and inspecting a car child seat according to the ECE R44 / 04 standard and issuing the relevant document as a result of these tests / inspections is called ECE R44 / 04 Certification. The document showing that a car child seat meets the requirements of the ECE R44 / 04 standard can be referred to as ECE R44 / 04 Certificate or ECE R44 / 04 Car Child Seat Vehicle Type Approval Certificate. The orange ECE R44 approval label can be affixed to the products with ECE R44 / 04 Certificate. This tag looks like the following.
The numbers and letters on this label are explained below:
* A statement indicating the type of seat approval. This statement can take 3 forms; universal, semi-universal and vehicle specific, that is; universal, semi-universal and vehicle specific. Universal means that this child seat can be attached to all cars.
* Indicates the weight group of the child seat.
* The letter E here indicates that it is the European Union approval.
* Indicates by which country the approval was given. The number 4 means Netherlands.
* This number shows the approval number. The first two digits are (04); It shows which version the car seat is in.
“As EKOL Certification Firm, we will be very happy to support you in all CE Certificate processes. You can contact us for detailed information. "