HACCP Certificate


HACCP; "Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points" (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), starting from the supply of raw materials in a food chain, making hazard analyzes at every stage and point of the food chain such as food preparation, processing, production, packaging, storage and transportation, and where necessary, critical control It is a food safety system that ensures the protection of the system that determines the points and prevents any problems from occurring. In summary; It is a system that identifies, evaluates and controls the dangers important for food safe.

HACCP is one of the most important parts of food safety and food quality. The HACCP standard is based on the Total Quality Management system and the ISO 9001 Quality Management system. It is defined as the Total Quality Assurance system and the combined use of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. The hygiene and prevention of contamination risks and good production practices of food, which is the main source of life for human beings, are the system that emerged with the GMP system. HACCP forms the basis of ISO 22000 Food Safety Systems today and is a source for Food Safety standards all over the world. In addition to the food industry, it is also used in the pharmaceutical industry and cosmetics industry.

HACCP Basic Stages The HACCP setup basically consists of the following stages:

* Creation of staff and team responsible for HACCP implementation
* Defining products for HACCP
* Explanation for what purpose HACCP products serve
* Writing HACCP business processes
* Control of HACCP processes
* It consists of the determination of the personnel at critical points responsible for the HACCP process, the definition of the products, the determination of the business processes, the implementation and the control of these applications.

Company Gains with HACCP Training

* Increasing the trust of customers,
* Consumers are ensured that food products are healthy and reliable,
* Another of the HACCP advantages is working according to the preventive approach principle; also minimizes disposal, reprocessing and product recalls,
* The aim is to increase the product quality by establishing control over critical points that will not risk the consumer´s health,
* Refers to Produce & Sell Food Reliable with HACCP Documentation,
* With HACCP Training, the trust of consumers & customers, retailers and government institutions is ensured,
* With the HACCP Verification Procedure, you strengthen your brand and corporate image,
* HACCP plan sample helps you when you are subject to supervision by supervisors,
* Increases your new market / new customer numbers,
* When you say I want to get HACCP certificate, you also apply an effective auto-control system to your business,
* By contacting the institutions that issue HACCP certificate, you can also ensure compliance with customer demands,
* Do not think about who can get the HACCP certificate and if you are a food business, you will also ensure compliance with legal regulations.

Who Should Apply HACCP System?

The HACCP system is a food safety management system that can be applied by all food businesses and with the establishment of this system, risks and dangers that may arise from food are prevented and corrective and preventive actions are provided. It is designed for organizations aiming to commercially produce, process, distribute and market food contact materials. It is specifically designed for catering industry manufacturers, catering retailers, catering and industrial gastronomy trade and their suppliers, manufacturers of packaging materials.

In summary;

* Food production facilities
* Food ingredient manufacturing facilities
* Meat combined plants
* Meat cutting places
* Food outlets
* Catering companies
* Restaurants
* Cafes
* Logistics and storage organizations
* Farmers
* Packaging producing companies
* Food equipment providers
It has become a necessity in today´s food market for all organizations that are in contact with food to implement the HACCP system.

HACCP Certification Process

* Determination of HACCP system responsible
* Making product definitions
* Establishing food business processes
* Verification of business processes
* Making hazard risk assessment
* Determination of KKN points
* Determination of how KKN monitoring activities will be carried out
* Identification of corrective actions for nonconformities in food safety activities
* Determination of business process procedures
* Creation of instructions
* Creation and implementation of a document registration system
* Application to the certification body
* Planning the audit day
* Realization of the audit
* Elimination of nonconformities, if any, during the audit
* Preparation and approval of HACCP Certificate


The HACCP concept has been created on the basis of existing hygiene concepts in accordance with legal requirements. Its purpose is to define food-borne health problems of physical, chemical or microbiological nature, to calculate the probability of their occurrence, and to demonstrate certain measures to avoid these hazards during food production or to reduce these hazards to an acceptable minimum. Risk or hazard analysis should be regularly updated, especially when promoting new products or in case of technological changes. We have listed the benefits of the HACCP service we provide as EKOL Certification Body to your organization as follows. You can contact us to benefit from our service and get detailed information.

Benefits for your organization:

* Identification, evaluation and control of health problems.
* Proof of the completion of the action periods.
* Increased consumer safety and consumer reliability.
* Increased product safety and reduction of product liability risk.
* Competence in observing food hazards.

After the food production activities of an impartial inspection institution are controlled according to the HACCP standard, the institution receives the HACCP Certificate. Duration is 1 year. Interim audits are held every year.

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Ekol Certification
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  • Minfo@ekolbelgelendirme.com