If any certification activity related to International Labor Standards (ILS) is carried out, this activity can be called ILS Certification. The Walt Disney Company has established the International Labor Standards Program "ILS Program" to help make every place where its branded products are produced are safe, inclusive and respectful workplaces, and accordingly, a type of audit that holds licensees and suppliers accountable for complying with ILS Program requirements. has made it. The ILS Program is a key component of Walt Disney Corporation´s Corporate Citizenship efforts. This system; It aims to promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive jobs in conditions of freedom, equality, security and dignity. In today´s globalized economy; The International Labor Standards (ILS) are an important component in the international framework for the growth of the global economy to benefit all.
The main objectives of the ILS system can be explained as promoting rights in the workplace, promoting appropriate employment opportunities, improving social protection and strengthening business relations. International Labor Organization; It was established in 1919, after a devastating war, to pursue a vision based on the idea that universal lasting peace can only be established through social justice.
The purposes and benefits of the International Labor Standards are listed as follows;
* To create a full and productive employment and a decent work path for everyone,
* To provide an international legal framework for fair and stable globalization,
* International legal framework for social standards and creating a level playing field in the global economy,
* To increase economic performance,
* Adopting an approach that balances employment goals, taking into account social effects at the same time and overcoming economic crises,
* To provide an efficient and stable labor market for both employers and workers through fair labor practices,
* Can be explained as representing the international consensus on how a particular workforce problem can be addressed at the global level and reflecting knowledge and experience from all corners of the world.
ILO Ankara; Within the framework of the memorandum of understanding signed with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security on 10.02.2009, it has made it among its priority targets to combat child labor, increase youth and women´s employment, strengthen social dialogue and prevent unregistered employment in the coming years. Turkey is located in Ankara and the ILO Office in Istanbul. 59 ILO conventions ratified by Turkey and 55 of them have entered into force. There are no contracts approved in the past 12 months.
ILO´s policy areas; Child Labor, Women´s Employment, Youth Employment, Social Dialogue and Informal Employment can be specified as Occupational Health and Safety. The International Labor Organization and its partners aspire to a world in which no child is forced to work in a way that prevents them from having a job that harms their health and development. Also, in addition to child labor, one of the policy areas of ILS is Women´s Employment. Equality between men and women constitutes the main item on the agenda of the International Labor Organization on "Decent Work for All Early and Women".
Licensees and Vendors play a pivotal role in ensuring that Disney-branded products are produced in safe, welcoming and respectful workplaces. Licensees and Vendors must comply with the following ILS Program requirements.
These requirements are listed as follows:
* Selecting compatible Facilities in permitted sourcing countries
* Describing the facilities, providing the necessary documents and meeting other conditions, if any
* Receiving first authorization from Disney before production
* Managing ongoing compliance and providing periodic ILS Audits if needed
* Fixing incompatibilities and terminating production if necessary
* Notifying disused Facilities to Disney
“As EKOL certification body, we provide services on International Labor Standards (ILS). You can contact us for detailed information. "